

Various tools for generating diagrams

  ply plugin diagrams [command]

Available Commands:
  kibana      Specialized (experimental) command for executing a kibana-query based on a fetch-request [arg: fetch-file] and exporting the result to a json-file [arg: output-file]
  maven-graph creates a graph using maven for dependencies in a project
  structurizr Adding PNG-output support for structurizr with the help of graphviz

  -h, --help            help for diagrams
  -r, --recursive       turn on recursive mode
      --target string   optional target directory (default ".")

Global Flags:
      --debug   turn on debug output
      --doc     open documentation website
      --force   uses default for prompts
      --json    turn on json output logging

Use "ply plugin diagrams [command] --help" for more information about a command.