
Builds a ply project with ply files and formatting

  ply build [flags]
  ply build [command]

  build, generate

Available Commands:
  add         Add templates and functionalities for files to a build
  example     Builds example from cloud-config
  format      Format functionality for a project
  init        Initializes build with ply files and formatting
  options     Prints options on spring version, dependencies etc
  remove      Removes files and folders in a ply build project

      --application-name string   Overrides applicationName from config file
      --artifact-id string        Overrides artifactId from config file
      --boot-version string       Defines spring-boot version to use
      --cloud-sync                Cloud sync (default true)
      --config-file string        Optional config file (default "ply.json")
      --disable-upgrading         dont upgrade dependencies
      --group-id string           Overrides groupId from config file
  -h, --help                      help for build
  -i, --interactive               Interactive mode
      --name string               Overrides name from config file
      --package string            Overrides package from config file
      --target string             Optional target directory (default ".")
      --upstream string           Upstream to use, ex: [initializer, none] (default "initializer")

Global Flags:
      --debug   turn on debug output
      --doc     open documentation website
      --force   uses default for prompts
      --json    turn on json output logging

Use "ply build [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Example plybuild.json file

  "language": "kotlin",
  "groupId": "com.example",
  "artifactId": "app",
  "package": "",
  "name": "Example REST basic app",
  "team": {
	"name": "demo-name",
	"email": ""
  "description": "Demo of new app, generated with spring-boot and plybuild templates",
  "dependencies": ["web-services"],
  "templates" : ["dockerfile", "rest-basic"]

This file is the same file used for project-configuration, and is described at project configuration

Example usage

Simple generate gif Simple generate gif