
Plybuild also boasts a versatile plugin section, expanding its functionality beyond the core features. This section enables the integration of additional, specialized features that cater to more specific needs, which might not be necessary for all users but are invaluable for those who require them. The plugin architecture allows for customization and extensibility, letting users tailor the tool to their unique workflows and preferences. Whether it’s adding support for different programming languages, integrating with third-party services, or enhancing existing features, the plugin system makes Plybuild adaptable and scalable. This approach not only keeps the core tool lightweight and focused but also fosters a community-driven expansion where developers can contribute and share plugins, continuously enriching Plybuild’s capabilities.

Plugin functionality for plybuild

  ply plugin [command]

Available Commands:
  bitbucket   Bitbucket functionality
  diagrams    Various tools for generating diagrams
  git         Git commands
  install     Various install options for generating autocompletion etc
  lint        Linting commands
  maven       Run maven (mvn) commands
  query       Query dependencies in a project

  -h, --help   help for plugin

Global Flags:
      --debug   turn on debug output
      --doc     open documentation website
      --force   uses default for prompts
      --json    turn on json output logging

Use "ply plugin [command] --help" for more information about a command.