
The status command in Plybuild is a practical and informative feature designed to keep users up-to-date with dependency version information. This command serves as a quick and reliable way to check the current versions of dependencies used in a project, and more importantly, it identifies if there are any outdated versions that need attention. By running the status command, users can effortlessly monitor the health and currency of their project’s dependencies, ensuring that all components are running on the latest and most secure versions. This feature is particularly vital for maintaining the stability and security of projects, as outdated dependencies can lead to compatibility issues or security vulnerabilities. The status command streamlines the maintenance process by providing a clear overview of the dependencies, making it an indispensable tool for developers who need to stay ahead in fast-paced and ever-evolving development environments.


Status functionality for a project

  ply status [flags]

      --cloud-sync      force cloud sync
  -h, --help            help for status
  -r, --recursive       turn on recursive mode
      --show            show project status
      --target string   optional target directory (default ".")

Global Flags:
      --debug   turn on debug output
      --json    turn on json output logging